Light & Motion "Best Value" Underwater Dual Light Package
for GoPro, Paralenz
Product Overview:
The Light & Motion "Best Value" Underwater Dual Light Package provides more than enough power to brighten your subject at any condition. It is also lightweight and is a partner when travelling.
The tray is a perfect mount for your GoPro and Paralenz as it does not require any special mounting. The flex arms are also easy to position to get that perfect angle of lighting. The flex arms also serves a handle which helps stabilize when shooting videos.
The Light & Motion 2500F Video light is a great underwater video light. It packs great power in a small and compact body. It is also easy to operate, a wide beam angle and even light distribution - at a low price.
Package Features:
- Powerful high quality video lights
- Simple and easy to operate
- Great to travel with
- Tray is very stable
- Incredible Price
What's in the Box:
- Light & Motion 2500F Video Light - Bluewater Exclusive (2)
- Beneath the Surface Angled Double Tray with Quick Disconnect Flex Arms for Sola Lights